Thursday, October 20, 2011

Peace that surpasses understanding

   I have heard this verse before, but it has really hit home this last month.  The verse reads, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus". Phill. 4:7  I am clinging to this verse and also praying it over a family that is very near to losing one of their own to cancer.  Shannon Reynolds Smith was my RA for a year while I was at Bryan and then one summer we were roommates while we worked at Bryan.  I learned recently that she is nearing the end of her battle with cancer.  Shannon is young, a wife, a daughter and a mother to a precious little boy.  In April Shannon's family lost her mother to cancer and now her life is ending.  There is no understanding in my heart. So I am praying for peace that surpasses understanding.
     This past week has been tough for the Troyer family.  My husband's grandfather recently passed away and the legacy he has left behind is such an amazing testimony of God's faithfulness.  I did not have the opportunity to know him for very long, but I knew him well enough to know that when he saw Jesus he was greeted by the words," Well done my good and faithful servant".  Grandpa Troyer has touched so many lives in so many ways; I think of how he has impacted my life.  If it were not for Grandpa Troyer being obedient to the calling of the Lord, I would probably not be married to Jeff. You see Andy set an example of following God no matter the cost, I believe this example is what enabled his children to listen closely to the voice of God and his will in their lives. In 1972 God called my father-in-law to the state of MS, this would take him and his wife a long way away from their families.  But my father-in-law was obedient despite the sacrifice required.  I believe there were many blessings bestowed upon his family for his obedience, but one that was given to me was the privilege of marrying his oldest son Jeff.  God's plan is so intricate and beautiful, even if there is hurt and pain involved sometimes.  When Grandpa Troyer left the Amish church following God's leading he set in to motion events that would change my life for the better and for that I will be eternally grateful. 

  These are things that I must cling to when I can find no understanding in my heart. God's plan is so much greater than my own, my own life is evidence to that fact. 

Pics of McKenna with her Great Grandparents before Aunt Lisa's wedding in Ohio.

McKenna loves to put her hands in your mouth!!

Saying hello

Becoming friends

Love them all

This makes my heart smile.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Booger, beach, birthday and first time mom freak-out

  It has been a while since I have written, but we sure have been busy.  McKenna has officially turned one! She has now said goodbye to her baby days and hello to toddlerhood.  Booger is now running circles around us and she took those skills to the beach on our vacation in September.  I wish you all could have seen her, she loved it! She was fearless when it came to the water and the waves.  Part of me wishes she had a little more fear, just for safety, but it was great to see that she has an adventurous side that is hard to daunt. The salt did not seem to bother her as she ran into the water and splashed around. We had such a good time just watching her as she explored her new world.  We were there for a few days and when we got back we prepared for McKenna's first birthday party! It was an owl-themed party, Look Hooos One, and it was so much fun to decorate and plan.  We had it at McKenna's Memaw and Baw Baw's house and i think McKenna had a blast. Booger was so blessed by family and friends and she really loved her cake!  I have plenty of pictures I will be posting of this event!  Well now that you are caught up on the past few weeks I have to post about my latest scare with the booger.  Last Friday I took McKenna to the doctor because she had been running a fever of about 102 since Thursday, and while I could get it down I couldn't get it to break.  Knowing how prone to strep she is (four times before she was 1) I decided to take her to the doctor the next day.  Well we found out that day that she did not have strep but a virus, which meant fluids, rest (how do you get a super active toddler to rest I ask you?!) and motrin for the fever. So Saturday came and we just spent the day at home pumping fluids and giving motrin for the fever which was decreasing.  By Saturday night Mckenna was feeling much better and her fever was down to about 100.  On Sunday we decided to take Mckenna to her cousins' rodeo since she was doing much better.  She made a little friend there as you will see by the pictures and had a great time looking at the horseys! Well that brings us to Monday, the day i decided to do my grocery shopping and take McKenna with me since her fever had broken and she was feeling so much better.  So there we were at Kroger going up and down the aisles just taking our time, when McKenna starts to get really fussy, this is really unlike her, especially in the grocery store because she normally likes the whole experience. Well the next thing I know, booger is scratching her head, pulling her hair and crying uncontrollably.  As soon as I pick her up I notice a rash on her face and on her scalp.  So trying not to show how scared I was I quickly push my cart to checkout, pay for the groceries I got and rush to the car.  I call her doctor and they tell me just to bring her on to the office. So we get there and as soon as the doctor sees her he says, Roseola.  Which come to find out is a virus that has a high fever, when the fever breaks a rash will form.  Good to know.  So we got some medicine for the itching and are now good as new.  Thank Goodness. Oh the things I am learning as McKenna's mommy!  
       Oh and in other news the munchkin now says Hot!, points to herself when you ask where is McKenna?, and she really understands the word Go.  As a warning if you are near McKenna and happen to say the word go or ask her if she wants to go, you need to be prepared that she will run to the door in anticipation of getting to go.  If this does not happen she will usually be reduced to tears and get quite upset. 

Pics of her latest adventures:

Did not really like her hat!

She makes this face, thanks to her daddy

Too Cute!

Ready to ride the horses!

Her first little cowboy friend!

He liked her a lot!

They had a lot of fun!