So it has been forever since I have blogged! I thought I should catch this site up on all of the happenings in the Troyer household over the past few months, and there have been a lot! First off as most of you know we are expecting our 2nd child in July and we are so excited. We have been talking to McKenna about her little sibling but I'm pretty sure she is still in the dark for the most part. She likes babies for the most part, so we are hoping for the best, and praying for a "smooth as possible" transition for her. We will just have to see how it goes. We found out in Feb. that our baby is a little girl, well we actually got an 80% probability that it is a girl. So I'm not planning too much yet, just in case:) We had a little gender reveal party with our family and it was so much fun. Our baker surprised us with an 80% cake. It was 80% pink and 20% blue! We were all surprised and a little confused by the cake at first but Jeff soon explained it to us. He was the first to figure it out of course. Anyway I am excited at the possibility of Mckenna having a little sister:)
McKenna herself is growing and growing! She is 33 pounds of cuteness and 32.5 in. tall according to her last well baby check-up. Booger's vocabulary grows everyday as she tries to say everything that she hears, and she is growing increasingly better at expressing her opinion on everything that matters to her. McKenna loves to "sing" and when she is just walking around trying to decide what to play with she is usually "singing" to herself. Her favorite cartoon is still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney of course she calls it Toodles because she can say that word and the little computerized mouse head named Toodles on the show seems to be her favorite character, go figure. It is hard to tell what her favorite foods are because she eats most things. She loves fruit of all kinds and noodles the best I think, but I am thankful that I don't have a really picky eater. She does have a favorite snack, which are fruit smiles from Wal-Mart. They are her absolute favorite and we hear, "Nack?" quite often throughout the day. While McKenna continues to grow and delight us with all of her new accomplishments she has also developed the ability to stomp her feet and throw a fit. It is not so delightful for anyone, and the number of times she attempts these fits is decreasing as she learns that no good can come from those actions. The booger has a Barbie Jeep and she can actually drive it! As soon as she learned that pushing the pedal makes it go we can't stop her! I think she would drive all around the lake if the car would go that far! Our little girl prefers the outdoors any day and always wants to go bye bye in her words:) We are looking forward to this summer with her and how much fun she is going to have at the pool. I am including some pictures from our gender reveal party and Easter, it is crazy how much McKenna has grown!