My wee ones! McKenna loves being the big sister and Lila is unsure of this little sister status:) |
So it is a new year and my little girlies are growing! McKenna is two and she is the busiest little thing I know. I consider myself a friendly outgoing person who enjoys conversation but my oldest child puts me to shame! She wakes up talking and goes to bed talking. The only time she is quiet is when she is sleeping, however, she has been known to talk in her sleep.... And yell in her sleep, and sometimes kick walls. The big booger as I have come to call her has learned so many new tricks some good and some I would rather she forget. Lately she has been strategizing on how to prolong the act of going to bed. Her newest tactic has been : momma (after her story and after prayer) yes McKenna, hmmmmmm let me see, McKenna, oh I forgot I missin somethin, I respond with okay what are you missing? Well, then we go through a list of items that are usually already on her bed until she can think of something to request that I would have to go get. At this point I am explaining why she can't sleep with her ceramic hippo bank, her brush, or Lila. Jeff is much better at cutting her off and informing her that she has to stop. I'm not so good at that and part of it is that I admire her creativity! It's entertaining to me to see what she can come with! But I am trying to be better at setting limits on what she could possibly be missin:) Besides her constant chatter she also goes non-stop unless she is watching one of her "me tv's " my McKenna does not like to be still. A point that she drove home in December when she was upfront at church with the others kids listening to the children's story and promptly fell off the stage into the pastor's guitar. No real damage was done except maybe to her pride and my nerves. Everyday is an adventure here and I'm thankful, we may be busy, tired and sometimes feel stretched beyond limits but we are never bored! McKenna is growing up so fast and though there are days when I think if I hear"hold me mama hold me mama, hold me mamma," one more time I may explode I try to remember that there will come a day when she won't want me to hold her, and then there will be a day when I can't hold her. Jeff tries to remember this too after he has changed all the batteries in the pile of toys McKenna has collected for him to fix. In her mind daddy fixes everything, he is her fixer. One day she will start to fix things for herself, so I know these, while sometimes frustrating, are precious days with our toddler.
Now Lila or little booger is such a mess! She is another mover and shaker! Will I ever have a laid back, take it easy child?! Little bit is in a "mommy is my whole world" phase so this can get a little tiring at times but sometimes it secretly pleases me that she wants me and only me! Lila is also one of the happiest babies I have ever met! She always has a smile for people and doesn't mind hugs kisses and squeezes! Her laugh is so contagious and the way she lights up when McKenna comes into the room melts my mother's heart. I love that she loves her sister and for the most part the love is returned. Lila is officially crawling now and just today gave herself a bloody lip when she crawled into the dining room bench. But she didn't cry about it and until I saw blood on her face I was unaware that there was a problem. Mother of the year I know. Little booger also likes to be in on the action, if McKenna and Jeff are wrestling anywhere near her she lets them know if she is feeling left out and now that she can crawl she physically lets them know that she wants in on the fun. By the way some of you may know this but Lila is my sleeper:) that's right this little girl likes her sleep and can I get an amen?! She goes to bed at 8 when McKenna does and does not usually wake up till 8 or 9! Now moms I know comments like this used to drive me crazy when I had McKenna but I feel that since I have one who likes to wake up at the crack of dawn, I have earned some celebration rights with my sleeper baby! So hang in there, there is hope for you and yours as well. Oh yeah and Lila is also in the I'm starting to figure out what I want stage so if you don't give it to me I am going to reduce you and myself to tears. Good times let me tell you, a few of her dislikes: the changing table, being put on the floor or in any toy (she prefers to be held of course), and my favorite, absolute hatred for taking any type of medicine. Which brings me to the next thing about Lila, she has some allergy issues. This kid has broken out into a patchy rash all over her trunk front and back. After a couple of visits to her doctor, switching all her baby food, and losing countless hours of sleep, pondering all the possible allergy connections, all we know is that it is an allergy probably something she is eating and medicine does make it go away, if you can get it in her. So right now her rash is gone but the search continues for the cause.
Not much new with me except that I have been exploring the recipe world and actually plan to share some amazing things that have I been cooking up in my kitchen. But please don't sit on the edge of your seat we all know I'm about as consistent at blogging as winter is in MS! So hopefully I will be sharing soon! Until next time here are some pics of my crazy girls!
McKenna loves to show her little sister affection, of course I think Lila sometimes feels like it is affliction:) |
Our MS snow day! McKenna lost a snowball fight with her daddy, but she didn't seem to mind! |
My crazy, zany, gorgeous McKenna! |
So super confident, she had the present thing all figured out! |
This girl cracks me up all the time! |
Beautiful Lila! Such a happy baby! She can make anybody smile! |