Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mobile McKenna

McKenna has gone mobile, thats right she is now crawling and I am in trouble.  Already with her new found skill she managed to find two plastic baggies and then proceeded to put them in her mouth.  I must say, though that this skill while opening up new messes is much better than her previously learned skill of applying poop to my carpet.  So tonight I post pictures in honor of the booger and her latest achievement.  Enjoy the Booger:

Bright eyes
Here she goes!
Taking a break
Her Jeff look, "Like what is the purpose of this?"


  1. I love her "Jeff" face. I'm praying this means she will analyze every decision she has to make instead of "oh well, I'll think about that tomorrow". Remind you of anyone? Your the greatest! Love you. Mom

  2. Seriously, I can NOT wait to see her next weekend and get her in trouble :)

  3. Talor, your little sweetheart is ADORABLE! :)
